
The strategy at Decron is to find the best possible solution to managing hoof and wound issues. We have gathered valuable feedback from leading international farriers, veterinarians, trainers and horsemen. On a daily basis, they are trying to manage various hoof and wound issues, alleviate pain and get horses back into training and competition as quickly as possible.

To find the best possible system for managing hoof issues and minor wounds, research, development and clinical testing was undertaken in collaboration with some of the world's most successful and demanding trainers in a range of challenging environments.

The science behind Decron has developed over the years and is a natural approach to hoof and wound care. One of our main ingredients is the osmotic gel. The gel provides the secrets to managing hoof and minor wound conditions in a simple easy to use fashion.


Osmotic Gel

The Decron Osmotic Gel is a quick and easy approach to addressing hoof and wound issues.


Leg Wrap Poultice

The Decron Leg Wrap is an A4 sized band-aid style dressing designed to aid in lower limb and wound management.



Decron Quikgro is a modern approach to a century old formula to help repair and restore damaged hooves. The Decron Quikgro was trialed for 12 months. The results demonstrated that over 90% of the horses showed active hoof growth while 50% of horses showed over 20-30% hoof growth.


Moisturizing Hoof Gel

Decron Hoof Gel is a petroleum-based moisturizer for your horse's hooves. Natural Oils have been added to aid the prevention of thrush, greasy heel and other hoof related issues.

Currently only available in Malaysia while we are conducting our ongoing product trial.



The Decron Boots provide support to hooves while healing.